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Steps to Selling a Home

When selling a home we understand the importance of that decision. The Nina Bhanot Group is here to guide you every step of the way. We create a customized marketing plan to sell your home quickly and maximize your profits, all while minimizing stress.

1. Position. Evaluate comparable homes. Analyze market trends. Competitively priced.
2. Prepare. Market strategy. Listing preparation. Strategic staging.
3. Launch. MLS and syndication. Signage. Network.
4. Personalized Property Reviews. Print and digital advertising. Print collateral. Targeted email campaigns.
5. Show. Broker events. Open houses. Lead follow-up.
6. Update. Client progress reports. Listing statistics. Price assessment.
7. Negotiation. Qualify prospective buyers. Review offer terms. Acceptance.
8. Escrow. Inspections. Negotiate repairs. Title work.
9. Close. Funding.

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Partner with a team equipped with expert negotiation skills that is committed to helping you achieve your buying and selling objectives. With our support, we will guide you through every stage of your real estate journey to become your real estate partners for life.

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